
Disruption sprints

Disruption sprints help companies identify and prioritize which disruptive opportunities to pursue based on the desirability to users, feasibility of implementation, and viability to the business.

Point of View

Disruption happens in every market.

Companies who can see disruption on the horizon, or even better, be the ones who bring disruption to the forefront will be the dominant market players as we step into the next decade of innovation. Disruption happens in each market, and Credera will partner with you to be proactive in your response to it.

Disruption sprints

What is a disruption sprint?

Evolve with shifting consumer preferences by uncovering gaps in your portfolio.

Our disruption sprint approach consists of data gathering through our landscape analysis, which drives opportunity identification in our three-day workshop. To help our clients be on the forefront of disruption, we use disruption sprints to uncover gaps in their portfolio. Where competition has taken market share and consumer preferences have evolved or changed over time.

Landscape analysis
Landscape analysis

To better understand disruption opportunities, Credera’s landscape analysis uncovers consumer patterns, pain points, and brand sentiment through consumer research. We'll also evaluate the competitive landscape and conduct a capabilities audit.

The disruption sprint
The disruption sprint

Next, our team leads a three-day disruption sprint. Day one focuses on understanding common themes across the consumer, competitor, and capability lens. Day two focuses on brainstorming solutions and day three focuses on prioritizing ideas.

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