
Leading U.S. Airline

Accelerating mobile feature releases to increase speed to market.

Credera led a mobile application optimization strategy to provide a 40% faster speed to market for a leading U.S. airline.

At a Glance

A leading U.S. airline engaged Credera to develop a new approach to mobile application development that allows for significantly improved speed to market while also reducing cost. The delivery timeframe of six weeks delivered a 40% reduction in development costs.

The Challenge

Reducing time-to-market for mobile applications.

A leading U.S. airline engaged Credera to optimize their mobile application process to release features quicker. The client team did not want changes in the mobile application architecture to have any discernable impacts on the experience, user interface, performance, or conversion rate. This increase in speed will position them for a better internal and external customer experience and give them opportunities to beat competitors to market with new features.

The Solution

Starting with prototyping and driving toward a rapid development strategy.

Credera partnered closely with the airline to rapidly prototype a hybrid application in six weeks, replacing some native functionality with the airline’s existing mobile website. The team reduced code and test duplication with hybrid flows to increase development velocity. The Credera team also created a data bridge between native and mobile web features. Lastly, Credera developed a migration strategy for other hybrid changes, furthering efficiency gains.

The Results

Realizing a 40% reduction in time to market.

After launching the recommended changes, the leading U.S. airline realized a 40% increase in speed to market for hybrid features, while seeing no impact on performance or conversions. This streamlined process created a 38% reduction in feature delivery costs.


reduction in feature delivery costs enabled by streamlined process


reduction of mobile development costs realized from code re-use

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