

Sep 02, 2013

Unity in Leadership Part 5: Humility Builds Unity

Matt Levy

Matt Levy

Unity in Leadership Part 5: Humility Builds Unity

Unity requires a tremendous amount of humility. Humility is not thinking less of oneself. Humility is thinking of oneself less. Putting the needs of others ahead of our own because we have the best interest of others in mind. These are the people you want on your team.

One of my mentors is a great example for me. His name is Kyle. Even though he is busy, when I call he picks up. If I need to meet with him about an important topic he makes time. He is encouraging and kind, not critical, and looks for the best in others. He is generous with his resources. He has made room for others in his life and doesn’t seem to consider the time he has his own. When love requires that Kyle challenge someone he seems to come from a good place. He has invited others into what many of us consider our alone time. For example, he works out with another man he is mentoring. He and his wife have invited young people starting out in life to live with them for a season so they can encourage them. Kyle is well respected by many, but he doesn’t seek the spotlight. He uses the gifts he has been given to administer grace to his friends. I’m fortunate to be one of the many beneficiaries of Kyle’s humility.

Some would tell us Kyle’s selflessness makes him weak. They’d argue that others take advantage of him and his constant emphasis on others means he’ll miss out on opportunities.

People who say that couldn’t be more wrong.

Kyle’s humility makes him respected and valued. People seek him out and I can guarantee if you want someone on your team, its Kyle. That approach to life helps the entire team and it benefits Kyle as well.

If you want to have a strong, united organization, you need humble people. That also means you need to have some humility yourself as the leader.

Do you have questions about the power of humility? Post a comment below or connect with us on Twitter.

This is the 5th blog post of the series on Unity in Leadership. If you missed the previous posts in this series, we recommend reading Part 1Part 2Part 3, and Part 4. We also encourage you to read Part 6!

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