

Mar 09, 2020

Credera Celebrates International Women’s Day 2020

Melissa Arteaga

Melissa Arteaga

Credera Celebrates International Women’s Day 2020

On Friday, March 6th, each Credera office came together to celebrate International Women’s Day. During this celebration, we recognized the incredible women in our lives and made commitments to continue to support these women in the future.

This event highlighted the fact that there is no “one-size-fits-all” way to recognize and support women. Each and every person on this planet has unique value to add to the fight towards gender parity, and we all fight for different reasons. The variety of ways each person chose to advocate for gender parity was truly enlightening and a reminder of how many different shapes and sizes celebration and advocacy can come in.

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Several of our Credera offices celebrating International Women’s Day

Capturing Unique Perspectives

We asked people from across Credera “What does International Women’s Day mean to you?” and we’ve collected some of the responses below.

“It’s a time to acknowledge and celebrate all the actions, impact, and progress of brave women in an effort to broaden our perspectives, challenge norms, break down barriers, and support one another. And a chance to come together and pave a strong and bright path for generations to come.”

Seema Desai, Principal, Management Consulting, Dallas

“For me, International Woman’s Day is a chance to celebrate and reflect on the strides in equality that women have made while also recognizing the disparities that still exist. It’s a day to come together as allies and envision a future where we all win. I love that this day celebrates our differences and encourages women to forge their own path and not be discouraged or feel threatened by traditionally masculine jobs or tasks. It also gives me an opportunity to celebrate those that have and continue to mentor me, advocate for me, and cheer me on.”

Brittany Wadsworth, Senior Consultant, Microsoft Solutions, Houston

“International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate all the strong and smart women who have paved the way for me. This is a reminder to support the women around me. This year I’m thinking about the women in Saudi Arabia who have had the right to drive for two years now, but are still fighting to exercise that right.”

Stephanie Rivera, Senior Architect, Data and Analytics, Denver

“For me, it’s a day to recognize the achievements and contributions that women have made to our world – be it social, cultural, political or in our business/economic organizations. It’s also a day where I remember my grandmother, Miriam Gwendolyn Tarvin Cantrell, who was a tremendous influence on my life. She worked in an age of extreme gender disparity and bias. We’ve come far, but we have so much further to go to reach full parity.”

Andrew Warden, Managing Partner, Marketing and Talent, Dallas

“For me, International Women’s Day is a chance for me to reflect on the strides towards equality that have been made in the last century. I’m educated, I can vote, I can get a credit card without my husband, and I’m not discriminated against because of my gender. It’s also a chance for me to consider the strides that we have yet to make. I look forward to a day when the equal pay act is not just a law but reality. I look forward to a day when a woman holds the highest executive office in this country as they have in other great countries around the world.  And, I look forward to a day when women around the world achieve equality – even in the most remote corners of the globe where women are still considered chattel.”

Jen Koide, Partner, Chicago

“When I think of International Women’s Day, a quote from Rupi Kaur’s The Sun and Her Flowers comes to mind:

‘i stand

on the sacrifices

of a million women before me


what can i do

to make this mountain taller

so the women after me

can see farther

– legacy

Every day, women empower me to grow in my career and in my life. To me, International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate, to reflect upon on where we have come from, and to look ahead to see where we can go together.”

Clay Kramp, Consultant, Open Technology Solutions, Denver

“International Women’s Day is a day to highlight and celebrate the accomplishments of all women… past, present, and future. Women can really ‘do it all’ when the opportunities are made available to us! International Women’s Day also creates more awareness of the ongoing gender equity challenge that still exists, in particular at high levels of leadership in corporate America, and allows us all a chance to reflect on how to best rally and support the women in our lives.”

Nickoria Johnson, Principal, Management Consulting, Dallas

“For me, International Women’s Day means celebrating my wife who supports me, challenges me, teaches me, and forgives me every single day. It means celebrating my mother who has worked extremely hard for my entire life, but has never missed an important event, game, or celebration. And it means celebrating the mentors that have taught me so much about what it means to be a servant leader, to be successful, and to own my career.”

David Jordan, Senior Consultant, Management Consulting, Houston

Continuing the Celebration

At Credera, we believe that creating spaces to talk about future growth and learn from our past is key to developing new opportunities. As we continue on the path to gender parity, we look forward to finding ways to support and celebrate all the people who make incredible impacts on our lives.

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