

Jul 10, 2023

6 Elements to Look for in an eCommerce Platform

Dan Martino

Dan Martino

6 Elements to Look for in an eCommerce Platform

A modern, robust eCommerce platform is essential for thriving in the digital marketplace — global eCommerce sales are expected to reach $7.4 trillion by 2025. While your business needs are unique, a few key eCommerce capabilities are must-haves for any company.

Here’s a look at the features that will streamline your online operations and enhance customer experiences.

Easy Path to Purchase or Request a Quote

A seamless, user-friendly path to purchase is critical for converting website visitors into paying customers. Your eCommerce platform must feature a straightforward and intuitive checkout process, minimizing steps and reducing friction.

If your business relies on quoting or custom pricing, the platform should also provide a convenient way for customers to request quotes, accelerating the sales process and improving conversion rates.

Advanced Payment Options

Offering multiple payment options caters to the varied preferences of your customers, resulting in increased sales. A comprehensive eCommerce platform should support several payment gateways, including credit cards, digital wallets, and other alternative payment methods.

Optimized Page Performance

Customers expect websites to load quickly — slow-loading pages lead to high bounce rates and decreased customer satisfaction. On top of that, search engines like Google now consider fast load speed as a positive ranking factor.

Look for such features as image optimization, caching mechanisms, and content delivery networks (CDNs) to ensure that your page loads are optimized, enhancing user experience and your search engine rankings.

Integration Capabilities

To streamline your business operations, your eCommerce platform should integrate seamlessly with other essential tools and services. Look for platforms that offer APIs or pre-built integrations with popular third-party applications, such as accounting software, inventory management systems, email marketing and personalization tools, and customer relationship management (CRM) software. This ensures smooth data flow across different systems, saving time and effort on manual data entry.

Security and Privacy Features


Value of eCommerce losses to online payment fraud worldwide from 2020 to 2023 (in billions)


The security of your customers' data is of utmost importance. According to Statista, global eCommerce losses due to online payment fraud reached approximately $41 billion in 2022, and projections indicate that this figure will increase to around $48 billion in 2023.

When selecting an eCommerce platform, prioritize security features like SSL certificates, encryption protocols, and compliance with data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR) to protect your reputation and maintain customer trust.

Advanced Customer Support Options

Exceptional customer support is imperative for building long-lasting relationships and fostering customer loyalty. Look for an eCommerce platform that offers various support options, like live chat, and self-help resources, like real-time tracking or inventory counts.

Empowering your customers to find answers to common questions on their own makes things easier for them and saves your company time and money.

The Bottom Line

Choosing the right eCommerce platform is a critical decision for your business's success in the digital marketplace. Prioritizing the elements mentioned above ensures a seamless user experience, increased conversions, streamlined operations, enhanced security, and excellent customer support.

If you’d like some guidance, schedule a call with Credera’s platform-agnostic specialists, who’ll help you determine the eCommerce platform that best fits your unique needs.

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