
Global industrial software solution provider

Ecosystem modernization boosts customer engagement.

A global leader in industrial software needed to execute a phased plan to modernize, consolidate, and rebuild an underperforming digital ecosystem.

At a Glance

A global software solution company serving industrial sectors needed a digital transformation to modernize and streamline their site experience. Issues included disconnected pathways that led to poor lead generation, inconsistent and disorganized user experiences, and complicated internal processes. Through our partnership, we built out more effective insights and analytics performance and a seamless and accessible user experience. Our solutions provided a better performing site and a cohesive experience for both customers and employees.

The Challenge

Lacking organization and a connected vision.

The company needed to plan and execute a phased approach to the modernization, consolidation, and rebuilding of its underperforming digital ecosystem. Their challenges included:

  • Static, disconnected pathways that negatively impacted lead generation

  • Inability to target customers with upsell and cross-sell CTAs

  • Six disparate sites on different platforms that affected site performance, tracking, and sales

  • Inconsistent design and poor user experience

  • Buried messaging and disorganized content

  • Difficult, time-consuming curation and authoring processes  

  • Numerous accessibility issues

  • No end-to-end view of a customer, including the beginning of the customer journey

The Solution

Filling customer journey and conversion gaps.

The existing site was rebuilt, addressing numerous gaps and enhancing features. Key outcomes included:

  • A new seamless experience with clean customer journeys and a consistent design, defined and within a clear, logical architecture

  • Personalization capabilities for upselling and cross-selling, powered by implementing Adobe Target

  • Separate sites consolidated into a single platform along with digital assets

  • Scalable and robust search capabilities

  • Improved page performance (page load speed at 1.2 sec for 25 concurrent users)

  • Accessibility compliant standards with improved page performance

  • Optimized omnichannel analytics to track source-to-sale to understand the contribution of content at each stage of the journey  

  • Insights on customer needs enabled the client with strategic decision making for increased conversations via relevant product recommendations

  • A multi-region, multi-locale ecosystem that is easy to maintain, author, manage, and scale over time while leveraging shared content

The Results

Cohesive experiences for increased engagement.

As a result of their partnership with us, their enhanced site now has the capability to:

  • Boost engagement: Provide users with locally and contextually relevant content tailored to specific industries and needs. 

  • Create a cohesive experience: Unify various platforms and disparate environments into a branded, integrated, and elevated experience. 

  • Increase qualified leads: Enable sales with insights, resources, and tools.  

  • Make publishing easier: Establish a purposefully constructed site that is easy to maintain, manage, and scale. 

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